Pondless Waterfall with Stream and Landscaping, Set in a Patio Built with Pavers.
Location: Saratoga, Ca.
Overview: Project required building a 25’ stream on the bank above the newly installed patio with a waterfall that came down over a block wall and fell into a basin set on the edge of the patio, next to an area where they could entertain family and friends. Client requested that the entire water feature be built with a specific stone and wanted the waterfall to be a significant fall with water plants in the basin of the waterfall and to be able to run it at night time as well as daytime. The water feature was set in a very beautiful established garden and so the aesthetic style was important.
Unique Features: The basin of the water feature contains a water matrix system that retains water in the base and the pump is housed in a chimney vault set beneath the stones. This allows a reservoir of water to be available to the pump at all times. The water plants in the base, black tara, horsetails and four leafed clover contrast the three rivers stone used on the edge and soften the hardscape of the paver stones.
Also Serving: Los Gatos and Campbell
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